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Body Services

Providing Everything You Need

Lower Body

Body Contouring

Fat Cavitation sculpts your figure and enhances your silhouette by reducing stubbornpockets of fat without the need for invasive surgerysuch as liposuction.


How does cavitation work?

Cavitation is a medically-established scientific principle that works by applying ultrasound energy to the targeted area of fat cells, converting the fat to a liquid state. The fatty acids are then dispersed and processed through the lymphatic system-your body’s natural filtration system.

Cavitation is specially designed to treat only the targeted fatty areas and not affect surrounding tissue.


Which areas of the body can cavitation treat?

Cavitation is great for treating all the most common areas of stubborn fat such as the abdomen, bra line, buttocks, thighs, ‘love handles’ and upper arms. It's also highly effective in reducing cellulite and smoothing out problem areas such as the buttocks and thighs.


What does treatment feel like?

Cavitation treatment is completely non-surgical, non-invasive and doesn’t require anesthesia. Most clients describe the treatment as painless and comfortable. Some clients even find the warm sensation in the targeted area during treatment quiterelaxing.


Can I get on with my day after treatment?

Yes! Cavitation treatments require absolutely no downtime, so you can go about your usual daily activities following your sessions.


How many treatments will I need?

Depending on your individual situation (which we will assess during your consultation),you may need anywhere between 6 and 12 treatments for optimum results. You’ll start to feel the effects after the very first treatment and by the third treatment you should begin to see real improvements take place. Treatments are spaced at one-week intervals to allow your body to flush out the fat released during the process of cavitation.


For beautiful results following your treatment...

We recommend drinking plenty of fresh water following your cavitation treatments as this will greatly help the process of removing the fatty acids naturally from your body

A healthy diet and regular exercise is also the best way to maintain your results and keep you looking good and feeling great.


Radio Frequency 

Radio Frequency, also referred to as RF, is a fantastic technology-based science for tightening loose or ageing skin as well as improving overall skin tone.

RF is an ideal non-invasive treatment to combat sagging skin after weight loss and works beautifully when combined with ultrasound cavitation treatments.


How does RF work?

RF works by generating heat and applying it to the dermal and subdermal layers of the skin without causing injury to the epidermis (outer layers of skin). The heat causes tissue retraction, resulting in instantly tighter and firmer skin. It also works to stimulate collagen production which over time produces a more youthful looking appearance.


Which areas of the body can RF treat?

RF can effectively treat the entire body depending on your skin concern.

ï‚·Tightens and lifts loose or sagging skin around the jowls, neck, chin, tummy, buttocks, thighs, arms and legs

ï‚·Tightens, smooths and improves facial skin tone to reduce fine lines and wrinkles

ï‚·Reduces and smooths the appearance of cellulite and uneven skin tone

ï‚·Firms ageing skin, including décolleté, to produce a more youthful appearance


What does treatment feel like?

Most clients feel no pain or discomfort during RF treatment. Some find the warm sensation relaxing. If you have any concerns, please let us know prior to treatment so we can arrange the necessary means to ensure your RF sessions are as comfortable as possible.


Can I get on with my day after treatment?

You sure can! Some clients may experience minimal redness, but this typically subsides not long after treatment. As there is no downtime, you can get on with your day as usual.


How many treatments will I need?

This will all depend on your individual situation, and we will carefully assess this for you during your consultation. Some clients may only need 4 treatments, while other may require 6 or 8 to achieve brilliant results.


When will I start seeing results?

When it comes to the tightening and lifting effect of RF, it can produce instant results. You will notice immediate improvements to your skin tone that will just get better with each session. The collagen remodeling aspect of RF takes a little more time and you will reach full benefits of the collagen stimulation around 3 months after treatment.


Special care following your treatment...You don’t need to worry about any post-treatment care regimen following your RF sessions, but it is a good idea to avoid excess sun exposure and always apply sunscreen if going out into the sun. Caring for your skin will ensure the beautiful results of your RF treatments stay with you for a long time to come.


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