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NeoLifting Facial Massage 

Non-Invasive Aesthetics Of The Face

Neolifting innovative manual technique that utilises body's natural resources for rejuvenation and non-invasive correction of age-related changes through skillful manipulations with facial muscles and selected bones of the skull by synergistic application of 4 manual techniques (breathwork and manual lymphatic drainage; sculpting & modelling massage; intraoral (buccal) massage; head massage).

Benefits of NeoLifting 

The procedure of NeoLifting© transforms the traditional approach to beauty in the industry which is dominated by invasive techniques, plastic surgeries, injectables, and the use of various toxic substances to delay the ageing process. Being at the forefront of holistic approach in the field of modern beauty, it aims to prove that there is a way to beauty without pain. This treatment gives the prolonged lifting effect to the face, neck, and décolleté without side effects and the risks of complications.


NeoLifting© propels the internal resources of the body for natural rejuvenation and recovery. It calms down the nervous system, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, increases the microcirculation in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, normalizes cellular respiration, activates metabolism and tissue nourishment improving the skin trophic.


The secret to the success of the technique lies in the deep understanding of how the facial muscles work and applying this fundamental knowledge to practice - our therapists work both superficially on the face and inside the oral cavity, use mindful breathing techniques and efficient manual lymphatic drainage.


As a result, muscles come back to their healthy tonus, facial posture improves and skin becomes smooth, returning the face to its natural shape.


Due to its holistic approach, the methodology views the relationship between lymphatic, circulatory, immune, and nervous systems as an essential component to health and maintaining longevity. Its' not about anti-ageing. It's all about better ageing and the quality of YOUR life!



1. Facelift without surgery

2. Rejuvenation without injection therapy

3. Passive Fitness for the Face

4. Pronounced Anti-Stress Effect

5. Deep Relaxation of Facial Muscle

6. Lymphatic Drainage and Detox

7. Therapeutic Effect

8. Light Osteopathic Effect

9. Quality of Skin

10. Improved Facial Posture


This Facial includes an Enzyme exfoliation, LED and a Cream Mask with Vitamins.



Who is this treatment suitable for?

Most skin types, but those with inflammatory skin conditions such as rosacea, cystic and pustular acne are advised against this treatment. We would need to create a good healthy balance within the skin first.


How many treatments will I need?

This treatment is not a quick fix. Results will be seen after the first session, but we recommend a systematic approach in order to create long lasting effect. Just like going to gym, you've got to be consistent with it to retrain your muscles.



How often should I have this treatment?

We recommend initial intensive treatment plan of 6-8 sessions ideally once weekly, than maintenance treatments once every month. 


It is important to remember that everything in body is interconnected, so it's impossible to have youthful face with aged, neglected body and vise versa - having a flexible, healthy body will inevitably lead to better looking you. 

Choosing this service as part of your healthcare routine will reward you in the long run. Balanced diet, daily exercise, food supplements, correct skin care prescription, healthy sleeping patterns, monitoring your hormone levels, regular blood tests, doctors check ups combined with mindfulness, meditation, emotional intelligence is the solid foundation of living an active and enjoyable life.  


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